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Residential Library


I started homeschooling about 20 years ago, when very few people were taking this path. Co-founding one of the first Muslim led co-ops in my area helped me network and learn from the opportunities around me. It seemed overwhelming at first, but once I got into it, it all started coming together. It was amazing to see the growth of each child, their unique learning abilities and the endless opportunities we came across. 

6 kids and nearly two decades later, I have one child in dental school, one graduating dental hygiene school, another on his way to college, one finishing high school and the younger two in their elementary years. 



Each of my kids have participated and excelled in sports such as swimming, archery, basketball, martial arts, fencing and football.  They have been actively involved in working with various organizations to serve the underserved in our local community while working on their own spiritual growth and development. 

I can relate on every level.  I’ve been through the challenges from learning the ropes to choosing curriculum to graduation and beyond. What I have learned over the years is that mentorship is key.  Without my mentors, I would not be where I am today. 

My passion is to inspire families in their own educational journey so they can create a tailor-fit education for their children that will foster creativity, curiosity and a life-long love for learning.

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